Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Date night: Italian Style

Well the flu-bug finally caught up with us. Starting Sunday night Landen and I both started feeling pretty cruddy, but we didn't let that stand in the way of our weekly date night.

This week we decided to try out an Italian place in Oxford called Paesano's Pasta House.

It was a super relaxed little building off of the Miami University campus. It actually reminded us of the Olde Pink House in Savannah Georgia where we ate on our honeymoon.

The food was awesome, I ordered the shrimp fettucini alfredo and Landen ordered the jumbo four cheese ravioli. It was served with freshly grated Romano cheese and was definitely the best pasta I have ever had!

Over all, it was a really good date night. I could barely talk so I didn't get to into the conversation but the ambience of the place was amazing and it is definitely some place that I would like to try again.

The only down side to the whole night (other than being sick of course) is that my camera battery died right before we left. So we didn't get to take any cutesy pictures dressed in our date night attire (although, let me tell ya, we were SMOKIN!) and the only pictures I got from the restaurant were with my iphone.

Next week we are super excited about date night because we are going to go see the Festival of Lights at the Cincinnati Zoo. However, since we are expecting our newest little nephew to be born the same day...DNT might have to be rescheduled to Wednesday!

Until next week...

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